Tuesday, 20 September 2016

19/09/2016 class work

The first day of university! At first we were told to get used to the graphics tablet we were provided, i did this by scribbling down a character i've known for far too long, it's tricky though as the size of the tablet means the slightest movement sends the cursor flying across the screen... I definitely need to bring a bigger one in.

After we got used to them we were told to try out some custom brushes, they were nice, i even decided to download them to my USB so i can use them at home hehe every little helps after all.

We were shown different ways of creating digital thumbnails as well as a glimpse of what traditional thumbnails can look like before being given the reins and told to create our own thumbnails using the tools provided by Photoshop.

 I spent a little too long on the last section though and will need to revisit and finish it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi David. A good start to kick things off. Hope to see some more developed thumbnails soon :)
