Monday, 6 February 2017

@Phil Concept art for the Laboratory and Influence Map

My influence map and digital concept pieces for the laboratory.

First the Influence map for the Laboratory:
 Second the concept of the CCTV camera:
 And third the concept for the observation operating room:
Opinions and criticism wanted!


  1. Hey, I know I'm I'm not in your group but since you wanted the input...

    I really like how you used Munch's Oddysee for inspiration in this design, but in comparison your design seems less mischeavious and rather more metallic or heartless. It would probably benefit from a bit of character from your character, if you catch my drift.

    Maybe a few voodoo dolls hanging from the ceiling or other psychotic elements to really seal the deal that the baddy is a little eccentric, rather than just an edgy plain laboratory with a bit of blood encrusted on the equipment. It doesn't really catch your attention in the same way as something out of place would do.

    Hope this helps.

    1. Yeah i can see your point! The bad guy has a logo which i could place on the floor either with tiles like in munches oddysee or perhaps spray painted.

      In the cource material there's a lot of bright colours but they somehow still make it creepy, even menacing from the intro... as a child even though i loved the game the lab scene creeped me out and i wanted to try and capture that feeling i had as a child playing Munches Oddysee. I fear adding too much colour will take away that feeling of menace... Still only one way to find out i suppose!

      Thanks for your imput!

  2. These are fine... as far as they go - but these are evidently your first thumbnails, so please, David, enjoy the prospect of having to do more thinking/drawing as you move closer to finalising your designs. Your habit has been to do maybe 2 drawings and then go 'Okay!' - when I'd like to see much more fire and quality control from you. Let's get into the nitty gritty of production design please!

    1. Ah yes sketches... i tend not to upload all that i draw, only selecting those that i feel are going in the correct direction. I have drawn quite a few labs but this design was one of my favourites, i'll scan the previous lab sketches in and add them to my OGR.

  3. oh yeah - and looking at actual real world reference re. labs, surgical equipment, abattoirs etc would maybe be more helpful than just looking at the fictional spaces already dreamed up by someone else.

    1. A lot of my designs admitadly have come from memory of the lab i used to be in, i'll try to find some photos of that lab, if not then i'll find some similar to the ones i was basing my designs on.
